Has anyone seen any information about these events this year? I have looked around and not found anything. I thought I would ask here before making myself look foolish on an open forum.
@WattsUp won the vWTTC 3-hour a couple of years ago. I am pretty certain that @Guystapleford has done it, as well as Matt Seward and Tom Becker.
Not much info on this. What is it?
It was being run by The Online Events Company, they don’t appear to have it on their site yet. If it goes ahead that is. Most of their stuff is on IndieVelo now
I think I’m done with online ultras, although I may consider the 3hr ha
I want to add it to my winter plan but to do that I need to know when it will be :). Is it worth asking on the WUCA or RAAM facebook pages?
That effort inside is not for me
They don’t have this available? Seems like terrible event planning, purely because of what you are experiencing
Same issue. I don’t really understand how it can be so hard to find acuarey info