Training and learning for Paris Brest Paris 2027


This topic was to start last year however life kind of took over, however it now lives.

The topic is about PBP 2027, whether you plan to ride it, volunteer, or supporting someone.

For myself, I have done PBP twice, and am looking forward to doing it again. On both occasions I’ve gone over time but within sufficent time to get medals (Huzzah). However going over time is a moot point because PBP is an incredible and memorable experience, which is why I am going back again.

I’ll be 67 in 27 and the goal is to be within time.

This topic is a motivator for me as I hope it will be for others interested in going for PBP. I hope the topic can be a place to ask questions, reduce the mystery about qualifing, start times, riding the event, etc. The topic can also be a place to support one another through the highs and inevitable lows of something as big and memorable as PBP.

All the best

Mike P


very excited to be following this. given the amount of time to the event, wondering if I can train for it? what ability should I be right now? I’m hoping to do my first century this year

Hi Forever

Sure thing, I reckon there is plenty of time to train for it as you’re doing your first century this year.

There is time over the next couple of years to try longer Audax’s, 300/400/600’s which will give you a feel for long saddle time, riding through the night etc and whether you like it.

The qualifier events in the year of PBP, 2027, act as training. In the UK you’ll have from Jan to June to do a 200/300/400 and 600 within their time limits. It really helps to have built a good aerobic/endurance base the year before.

The past approach has been -
2019 PBP - really didn’t know what I was letting myself in for, had only ever done 200’s prior to the qualifers so was a novice and not a strong rider. Scraped through the qualifers whilst discovering I loved all the aspects of Audax/endurance. Loved PBP and within 10 mins of finishing couldn’t wait to do it again

2023 PBP - went to Pav in 2022 to get in good shape (I was 63 then) which was the best decision. Worked hard whilst also busy with work. Was in far better shape, felt great and felt strong. Made not so wise decisions about partnering and sleep strategy, loved it again and look forward to 2027.

In a nutshell Forever, plenty of time to build into it, plenty of time to see if you like it
Set sights high and enjoy the ride


This is an excellent thread and I am looking forward to following. Thank you @Mikep

What a cool goal to aim for. I’m gonna give some thought into whether this might be something for me.

Thanks for the inspiration

:slightly_smiling_face: :ok_hand: No worries Ewan, best thing is the inspiration is for free

Tops UK tester, I dare say as we get closer to 2027 we’ll see more people coming on board. Looking forward to the ride :slightly_smiling_face: :handshake:

Thanks for sharing this @Mikep :slight_smile:

I’m glad this topic has been started. At 69 and a lifelong recreational/commuting cyclists I have always wanted to do the PBP. Now with more time on my hands and living in France I have decided to start training for 2027. It might be a dream but it is worth a shot. I currently cycle slowly for 10 hours a week.


Welcome to the community! Great to have you with us.


What a great dream @Ngden. Plenty of time in hand to bring it closer, plus you’ve the bonus of being in the homeland of Audaxing (Randoneering there)


Thisis soo cool - welcome to the community!

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Welcome to the community @Ngden