Ongoing issue with saddle tears on either side of the perineum

That would be great as my one concern is because I tend to spin the small crank length might impact my riding more than someone with a lower cadence.

Based on the frequency of this topic in this forum, I am almost scared to ask, but have you found any relief from the sores yet @Duke68 ?

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I haven’t yet. I decided to take a few weeks off the bike which I hate to do. I have contacted two other bike fitters that are physiotherapists and offer pressure seat mapping. I talked with one of them on the phone and I felt reassured that there is a solution to my ongoing lacerations.

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Sad that you are still experiencing this, but great you have a solution. While saddle sores are very common, I think you are in a very small amount who get them this bad.

Inspired by this thread:

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I’m learning a lot. I think when you start to ride 5 days a week any little discrepancy starts to get magnified. Hopefully I’m just paying my dues now so that I can train more consistently without pain in the future:)

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That is a great way to look at it. @pav used to tell me to hope to get sick in the winter as you will definitely get sick once per year, and it is better to get sick in winter than a week before your event. Similar procinple here I guess

Yes, very much an enlightened approach to this. Inspirational!

That is a great way to look at it. I also remember him saying to someone else, don’t panic when you miss a bit of training. I’m trying to incorporate that as well!

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Nice way to look at a bad situation. Thanks for sharing!

Sorry for the delay on responding:) I’m trying to stay positive lol.

How’s it going? Any better now?

I took a month off to let the lacerations heal. I then went and had another bike fit done with a physiotherapist this time. I bought shorter 165mm cranks and they still came back:( It might be as simply as to keep tweaking things until I find the right spot. The interesting thing was we did a seat pressure mapping and it showed great distribution of weight. I’m trying to find a bib that maybe has a wider chamois to offer a bit more protection on that area. For now I’m going to live with it. I will take time off in October for a month and let things heal then. I appreciate you asking:) Any suggestions are always welcomed!


Jeez. This is tough going :frowning:

Is it just a question of building up tougher skin? KLike getting callouses on your hands?

I have always wondered about this too. Like why do some people have zero issues and I seem to suffer bad sometimes (when I have done everything you’re supposed to)

Its been a challenge lol. I’m hoping I can resolve it and in the process learn a lot about chamois and different care products etc. I’ve done a few bike fits and the one thing I’ve become aware of in my experience so far is to have the fitter watch me do a hard proper workout and see what I look like when I’m tired on the bike and struggling with the watts. When I go back to my fitter again I will take my own trainer and have Pav set up a workout that I can do and have the fitter watch and perhaps see something.

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Do you notice it only happens (or gets worse) with hard efforts?

Hi JustinTime,

Sorry for the delayed response. I’ve found it hard to pinpoint. I’m thinking either the more intense workouts or long duration 4hr. A friend of mine who use to race mentioned to try a carbon saddle. Something with as little friction to it as possible and then ensure I have a well padded set of bibs which I do have.

Any suggestions?

@Duke68 that seems like an interesting suggestion. If it works, then it would imply that you are moving around significantly on your saddle.