New turbo trainer

Looking for some advice on a new turbo. What is everyone’s preference?

make sure you buy one with sufficient top end capacity. I have a wahoo kickr core which is awesome except whenever I sprint I push through the brake which has caused a number of incidents. I would suggest take your max 5 second power and add 25%.


I have been using the Tacx Neo 2T for a few years now and it’s great. Apparently the newest version with built in rocker is even better, but I have found no reason to upgrade. Between my wife and I we have over 30,000 km on it with no issues. I have done the recommended maintenance which takes about 10 minute and just involves regreasing the hub axle assembly. It is quiet, has more than enough resistance for a pro, and has a downhill feature which I believe is unique to the Tacx Neo. Whn descending in Zwift (for example) the trainer actually drives forward simulating coasting…not just removing resistance. In a steep descent, it’s not really relevent, but at -2% for example, it gives the trainer a much more realistic road feel. It also can function without being plugged in (although there are a couple of features that are disabled when not plugged in). The only real disadvantage to the Neo is that it is quite awkward to set up and move. The newest version is much better…it has a handle.
I have tried the Wahoo Kickr V6 and it is also an excellent trainer, and does have the advantage of the add on toys like the Kickr Climb and Headwind, and Wifi rather than just Bluetooth and ANT+. but again the Tacx has better road feel. You may be able to find the V5 on sale with the only difference from the V6 is that the V5 does not have Wifi.
There are other excellent trainers out there but these are the big 2 for a reason.

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I’ve got the Elite Direto and while its good I’m not convinced some of my power problems like little drop outs of resistance and the spiral of doom when it basically has the resistance go so hard you can’t move the pedals aren’t that more than anything else.

I don’t get them really when using it with Zwift but I do running just from my Garmin and I have with other apps controlling it.

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Interesting thread!

@Colin - you have 30000!!! km on it? Well done

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Well I can only take credit for about half of those kms. My ex-pro racer wife represents the other.


I think I saw @pav got the new Kickr Move. How is it Pav?

I do like the idea of the Zwift Hub One and not requiring a cassette. While it requires Zwift to be able to shift gears I am thinking IF only really training and letting the resistance be set automatically it would work for an app that can connect.

You can just remove it and add a cassette if you need as well but it does really help switching bikes with different setups and perhaps a shared trainer.

Also as I’ve seen people making a simple trainer bike from an old frame and just using a single speed tensioner rather than having a rear mech and a one drive up front.

Going to have to Google this as have no idea about this. Sounds interesting!

Yeah I love my Kickr Move. Barely notice you’re riding indoors. Most of the time it is very marginal movement, but that is enough to actually help blood flow around areas that typically fatigue (hands, arms, shoulder, ass)

I do like the idea of the Zwift Hub One and not requiring a cassette.

That works really only with those game like addons. Why would you do that ?

Have to admit that I use ROUVY a lot, doing climbs I either want to do or have done. That simple part of actually having to shift and thinking about when, how, and why adds a lot of realizsm.

The Hub One has virtual shifting using buttons and here is then one of the problems in that it at the moment only works with Zwift or at least the shifting does.

You will get less wear in theory on your components. Also it makes having a pure stripped down training setup easy.

I guess with not having ridden any Di system the act of shifting with a button perhaps isn’t a lot different. For me I’m old school and still all mechanical shifting.

I’m also often one for not using ERG for workouts on the trainer much preferring to shift my gears myself. As you say having to think about it and for me makes it closer to riding outdoors.

For me it is defiantly the simplicity of not having a cassette on the back and needing now shifting So you could make yourself a cheeper indoor training/riding setup rather than a watt bike for example.

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Thanks everyone. Might have to treat myself to a new turbo!

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