My First race ever!

Hello everyone! :smiley:

I just registered for L’Etape Egypt in Sharm Shaikh 40 KM categories! and it’s my first race! very excited with a little of stress haha !! please share with me your travel/race experience so i can prepare my trip :slight_smile:

I will travel with my bike for first time , 2 days before the event


Check the handbook they send out with all the details. That will have all the relevant information such as signing on, getting to the start in time, feed stations, and so on.

The main thing is to have fun!

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Here is a podcast I recorded about flying with your bike: Cycling Hacks: How to Navigate Flying with a Bike | Bespoked - The Cycling & Triathlon Training Podcast

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Think through what you will do from when you arrive up to the end of the race. Then write a list of all the things that you will need to take with you. Write everything. I am usually extremely organised but when I have travelled I have forgotten my helmet, my HR strap and several other things.

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Great advice on this. I actually had a guide that @pav wrote. More of a list of all items you will need. It included stuff for an actual holiday too, so covered all areas.

One of the most important things, you have already done right - arrive early enough to not get stressed. Thumbs up for that.
I would also suggest not to make last-minute adjustments to your bike. What you can gain is most likely minimal but it can backfire big time.
The last one is get enough sleep and eat enough during the ride.
I’m sure you’ll have a great time, enjoy!

Second the no last minute adjustments thing. I bam myself from touching set up or new kit 4 weeks before an A event. If only I could stick to my ban!

Some really valuable advice here everyone! Thanks!