Liquid nutrition for long endurance rides

Hello everyone. I have found out that during long Fondo rides my body doesn’t like to eat solid foods. I’m able to use some gels. I was hoping to get some suggestions from other riders on getting their nutrition from a liquid source. I have looked at SIS, Gruppa, F2C etc. I would love to hear what other people are using or making for themselves.



Skratch Labs Super High Carb Sports Drink.

That works stellar for me. Using the idea of having one big bottle with that mixed in at the start, and keep powder for 2 bottles int the 2nd one. This way I can mix 2 full bottles at the first water stop.

Gel, I got stuck on OTE. Not easy to get in the US, throu … Lot’s of what I can get easily in the US, like GU / Honey Stingers / Hammer / PowerGel is a tad heavy on my stomach and too thick. What I like about OTE is the packaging that allows me to drown one within a single gulp.

With solid food. Same issue here, mostly. Usually I do not touch food there, unless I know it works. What works is “potatoes” and “pound cake”, but there is way too much what does not.


Hi @Duke68 there is a whole thread on this somewhere already. If you have a support team and don’t have to carry it, Endure is popular.

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Thank you Kicikacsa. I will look for the thread. Unfortunately I don’t have a support team.

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I have the same issues @Duke68 !

Agree with @miffedoldpizza on this one for self-supported and with @Kicikacsa for supported!!

Welcome to the forum, though, looks like your first post! Happy to have another like-minded cyclist with us :slight_smile:

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I have settled on MON products for now. Power Carb in the bottles and also their gels.
During my last event, I managed to take in 120g/h for just under 4hrs. 2 big 950ml Elite bottles with 160g in each of them and 4 gels. Just rolled past the crowded feed station. In warmer coditions, I’d stop and fill the bottles with water and have the powder in the back pocket. The MON guys are working on a nice solution for that right now.


Great question. I have nothing to contribute, but am interested in the answers too. Thank you.

Thank you very much for sharing! I will look into that product and see what the availability is here in Canada.

Thank you for the kind welcome! I’m really enjoying the cycling and having Pav as a coach.

Thank you very much for sharing what has worked for you. I do use some of the Skratch product and will look into this further. It might be the most accessible to me.

Great question! Thanks for posting :slight_smile:

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I mix my own generally from Fructose and Matodextrin and then salt or an electrolyte powder.

I also use sometimes some products from ActiveRoot not sure if you can get those in Canada but they use ginger and are said to be easier on the gut. I started with them after often taking crystallised ginger chunks with me as something with a different flavour.

When you say solid food doesn’t seem to agree with you what are you trying? I say this as depending on the event I make a lot of my own bike food. often a trail mix style I find great as I just nibble on it and it will be a mix but for example fig rolls in bite sized pieces, oat bars, salted cashews sometimes some dried cranberries and sultanas. I find little and often is best. Jelly babies and boiled sweets are also a favourite.

As for gels I tend not to use them at all. I do think you need to train yourself to eat I know friends who love a sausage roll but if I have one I tend to end up feeling sick and it just seems to sit heavy in my stomach. The thing to be careful of when getting you calories from your drink is balancing the hydration requirements against the energy requirements.

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Some excellent information here! Thank you everyone.

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Thank you for sharing Kevstorr! I am also considering making my own drink as well. As for solid foods, if I’m doing a zone 2 ride I’m fine to eat solid foods. I will make my own energy balls, or PBJ sandwhich or Skratch bars. However when I’m riding as hard as I can in a Fondo ride my body seems to reject the idea of eating solid foods. Perhaps I need to do as you have mentioned and just try and train my body to eat. With that being said I’ve had this experience twice now and has cost me at the end. I think I’m going to try the Skratch product as it seems more accessible. I’m doing the Phil’s Cookie Fondo at the end of Oct and will give it a try.

If you are having issues in events, what do you do in training? You need to train your nutrition in the same way as you train your aerobic power. Try things in training and see how get on.

Did you find the other on bike nutrition threads?


Ive got gut issues as well and I find Skratch products to work great - however they can be made at home quite easily and much less expensively. Maltodextrin or cluster dextrin ( even table sugar works), fructose, and electrolytes can be purchased independently, in bulk online, and it’s quite easy to dose on the fly. Ive done it both ways, and it’s equally effective. All the best of luck.

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I haven’t but will be spending some time today to look through the threads. I’m doing up my riding schedule for the year so that Pav and I can build a plan!

I do make sure that whatever I am doing during training sessions is the same as race day.

Cool thread, everyone, thanks! You’ll have to let us know what you goals/events you pick @Duke68 !

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Thank you Fromwhereiride. I live in Canada Vancouver Island and will be doing around 4 fondo rides. I’ve done 4 this year. I am also planning to go to France and ride the La Marmotte Fondo. Have you heard of that one?

I did the Marmotte in 2019. I loved it. Crazy beautiful.

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