Just throwing that out there

Might be something for everyone outside the US. WIth the missing link to get from Evans to Pikes Peak, much of this could be linked together into a single route without extra transportation …


looks like an amazing bucket list trip.


WOW! I would be v interested in this

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Great share @miffedoldpizza - reminds me of Haute Route Rockies

Almost like the Haute Route Rockies. What they did nicer is to have really one base in Boulder and this way avoid the shutteling of luggage and extra equipment.

Lot’s of attention to detail. They took the downhill out of Mt Evans, which great, because the road is so abysmally bad. Lots of other nifty things that only a local rider with a lot of experience would know.

If anybody needs a guide, this is my playground anyway.

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This looks really cool. Thank you for sharing