Glucose sensors

My big next big goal is to loose weight in a sustainable fashion. The basic math is simple, you have to burn more energy that you eat but on the way, there is a lot to make it harder or easier and to learn.
Today, I had boiled potatoes for lunch and after an hour or so, I felt mega hungy again. While I chewed on my Nutella toasts, the analytical part of my brain started to work again and said “this is all insuline and blood glucose levels. If we can understand it in depth, we might find a way to avoid it”.
As an engineer, for me the first thing to do is to measure and quantify it. So my question is:
Has anybody here used a glucose sensor? Did it work well? What did you learn from it? For how long did you use it?
The big contender seems to be the Supersapiens App with the Abott sensors. If you have used them, is there a way to get the data out of it (like csv export). The nerdy engineer in me wants to correlate it with other data.

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Hi Chris, @Guystapleford has tried the supersapiens set up. There is a write up on his blog - guystaplefordultra or something like that.

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This one I know @Guystapleford has tested! Like Julian says, Guy did a cool write-up.

I think to consider how they take the measurement though. I think it analyses blood glucose which is not the same as intra-muscular. The latter being where we actually use glucose, whereas blood has to compete with insulin too. Not to say it doesn’t work, but I think it is contravestial.

Here is the link to Guy’s blog

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interesting. Thanks for sharing that.

I agree with this - the place in which glucose is measured is very important. I think there was a huge discussion in the private TP coach group. Mostly was suggesting that unless you take small muscle sample (which we obviously don’t want as athletes!), there is no current good way to test this.

If you are interested in muscle glucose, that’s correct. However blood glucose is exactly what I want to measure. (The reaction of it after having a meal)

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