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HAs anyone used Buycyle? Find your used roadbike, gravel Bike & MTB | buycycle USA

I have bought once and sold once. Buying ran perfectly. Great bike. After a while I found a defect but can’t be sure whether I created it or not. Overall very happy.

Selling worked really well excpet their IT still has some bugs. I got my money but it took more than 2 months.

I would say on balance a good addition to the market place.

Good to hear this from @Kicikacsa as I had been wondering the same. Did you do all the extras like carbon testing and stuff?

I did none of the extras because I was buying a TT bike. I do my own spanner work and just assumed I would need to service the whole bike. I don’t trust other people so I just factored that in.

I sold a 20 year old Colnago C40. As far as I can tell there was no additional testing done on that.

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Thanks for this post and your feedback @Kicikacsa. Nearly pulled the trigger on buying a bike through there, someone else nabbed it before me. Still ,a little like ebay as you can’t really be sure and those extra fees are expensive

Thank you. This is really helpful :slight_smile: