Blood pressure anomaly?

Ok, I have here the odd problem my SBP readings at the doctor (and the occasional ER visit) are higher than expected, in the range of 140 to 145, at a 55 BPM HR. Of course this is mostly post workout. When I measure at home, chilling out it’s more like 120 @ 50 bpm. No equipment failure on my end.

Now I ran across this here: Hearts | Free Full-Text | Premature Cardiovascular Misdiagnosis of Senior Endurance-Trained Athletes

So is there something to this variability as being expected, and is there truth to it that as older athlete the SBP is simply higher than for the same aged couch potato ?

Anybody else having the same issue ?

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I’ve not heard this before. Do you have a doctor that specialises I endurance athletes available to you? Even a doctor who is an experienced athlete might be able to help.

Most doctors don’t know where to start if you are extremely fit and have cardiovascular issues. That is just not what they usually see. I am sure if you ask around in your local athletes group they will point you to someone who can give you an informed opinion.

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Ok, first off I’m not a Doctor.


  1. it can be common for your BP to be higher when measured at the Doctors/ER Often Dr will look at getting you to take a devices home to measure there for them to then get those readings.
  2. Knowing your machine at home gives lower readings I would suggest taking it in with you to test/check there. If your machine is just reporting lower readings, not great but answers the difference question. However if it then compares close with their machine then that could help clear things up that you just return higher readings when tested in the ER or Doctors clinic.

Oh and yes most Dr/Nurses start to worry at my low HR until I say I exercise regularly. My resting HR is around 48 and I will regular see a HR just over 50 while sat at work.

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I do not have a doctor that specializes in that. That is kind of my issue. Wife has a heart problem, so covered with good doctors in that respect, but none of them I would quality as athletes, or sports oriented. And yes, they panic if they see my HR at 46 bpm …

Could go on a rant here, but in general if I show up at a doctors place, 56 years old, there is a preconcieved oppinion about a lot of things. And it’s very difficult to get bejond that initial stage.

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Perhaps I did not make myself all that clear. The pattern simply caught my attention during the ER / Doctors visits. Of course being an engineer with the usual OCD, had to confirm this at home, and yes, I see off readings like this as well (higher in that case), but with a more consistent lower baseline. Have not corelated this to “how long after what type of workout” or “how many cups of espresso did you have in the morning after how many hours of sleep”.

My question was more along the line that given some research papers out there, is this something common or rather the oddball thing ?

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Wife is a nurse. After my last ER visit for a broken rib she started to monitor my oxygen levels … Needless to say she started to panic when the machine reported back 46 bpm.

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As you are an engineer, one important question not mentioned is whether your BP device is calibrated or not. The doctor’s definitely will be as there as standards governing that.

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