What supplements do you take?

I tend to agree with you on this @kevstorr re eating healthily and producing own food. That said, it is my personal opinion and am fascinated when others find a nice win in supplements.

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As I said I was going to be interested in what this post raised. With some supplements I think there can be a placibo effect. For example with AG1 I’ve read from journalists feeling more hydrated and the fact that their hair and skin looked better. Being the skeptic I’d say yes true but possible only because they got into the habit of drinking a glass of water each morning and therefore improving their hydration and in turn that had an effect on both skin and hair and perhaps had little to do with the AG1 itself.

Also for me to be clear there are some like turmeric which while you can get it in your diet you couldn’t possible eat the amounts that are in the turmeric supplements. This is indeed the reason for them but I’m also very aware that today we seem to have this mindset not to worry about what we eat and it’s ok I’ll just pop a pill. I also sometimes think too many Dr’s etc treat the pain for example and don’t perhaps have the time to really treat the cause of the pain.

Regarding… L-citruline - it gives you wings… allows me to access the top end of my sprint/power and really send it - in a way that I wouldn’t normally be able to. The downside is that it doesn’t really help with the recharge between sprints… so need to be really careful when going for it, as it’s easy to burn all the matches at once. It’s definitely an effective tool, but takes some getting used to / practice in order to pace out its utility in a race with multiple high intensity sprints.

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Interesting. I wonder on it uses then in interval training sessions as opposed to races.

I am open to try most things. I am trying ag1 because I could relatively cheaply. Otherwise we eat a very fruit & veg based diet and aim for minimum 10 different types per day.

On the subject of watching what you eat, I saw this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BbLFsQubdtw

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Yes - l-cit can be used for interval training to “power up” and “go deeper”, potentially enabling better training and growth. That said, as a reminder, it doesn’t help with recovery… so recovery is even more important after l-cit because you’ve gone deeper than your body would normally allow itself to go.

Good point. Thank you for ellaboratin

I bought some l-cit and used it today for the first time. My performance was certainly very decent. Decent enough that I will keep testing it.

The first time using l-cit, I definitely felt strange (in a good way)… “Why am I not feeling this hill?”, “How did I get so fast in that sprint without the same level of depletion”, etc. Kind of like stepping into a cold ocean for the first time with a wetsuit… I know I’m in the water, but why can’t I feel the water and waves like I normally do?

That “new sensation” feeling goes away as you get used to it. Also, interesting to play with dosage and the amount of time taking it before a workout - definitely has different effects.

This sounds interesting! Will you both keep us updated on your testing please?

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@CogInTheMachine @Kicikacsa Ok so following an hard bike session this week I am now thinking about trying L-citruline. It could be good for those threshold and Vo2 interval sessions.

So what brands are you two using as I know quality can vary.

This one that I found. Decent reviews.

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I’ve been using these capsules.

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Still showing good signs?

Also curious if you are still seeing positive signs?

I have just completed 3 months of daily AG1 os I thought I would let you know my experience. I bought my first two months through a deal, unintentionally signed up to a subscription, saw how eye watering the normal price is and immediately canceled.

So, the first think is the price. Yes, it is very expensive. In Germany it costs about 90EUR / month. Ouch!

With that out of the way, I was interested because every autumn - spring I typically lose 3-4 weeks of training due to sickness. In the 3 months taking AG1 daily from late January, I have not lost a single day of training due to illness. From this point of view it is an interesting option.

I did not particularly notice any of the other claimed benefits like less sleepiness or better skin. I also didn’t notice any change in direct performance or recovery. My fitness has improved over the winter at about the same rate as I have come to expect and there haven’t been any stand out performances. That said, the very fact that I have’t lost time to illness makes this my most consistent winter so far.

Based on apparent efficacy I think I will add greens to my winter routine. I don’t think I will be buying AG1 again though. Whilst AG1 does come top or close to top in the reviews that I have read, so does Primal Greens. The difference with Primal Greens is that it costs 40EUR per month saving a whopping 50EUR! I think my next order will be with Primal Greens.

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This is fabulous and for me adds to my feelings and what I’ve heard from others that AG1 is basically a rip off. Its high price is really due to what they are paying the influencers to promote it. I then feel that they hide behind the propriety blend so they don’t have to disclose the actual amounts of any of the given listed ingredients. If you actually break done the daily dose and then look at the RDA for each given one the maths doesn’t add up and your not getting even close to most if any of the RDA amounts from memory.

I guess the question is has it really been the AG1 that has helped keep you illness free, who really knows. As you say it really comes down to the price with what you’re looking at your two months for the price of one actually more given you’re actually saving over 50%.

For me, sickness wise I can’t say I’ve missed a days training this winter. Could this be due to my daily dose of blueberries, leafy greens (mostly spinach & broccoli) along with sweet peepers, tomatoes, mushrooms and some nuts.

For one thing I’m not going to remove those to find out.


Crazy pricing! Thanks for sharing your experience. Very valuable and might give Primal a try myself

This is excellent info. Thank you

90EUR is a lot of money. In honesty, 40EUR is for me too. Might be worth a test. Ta