The tedious gym work

Rucksack is my improvised solution. I usually fill mine with 5l water bottles.

@Kicikacsa @chris.rides.mtb what weight to start with very much depends. In general for a man somewhere around 10-12kg can be a good testing point. It is also important to remember that our legs are going to be a lot stronger than our upper body. So while some can use one KB for the whole workout I might switch to a heavier one for squats. However also as Pav has just said if you follow your bike session with your S&C you legs will have already done a workout and now you won’t need as much weight to take them to fatigue.

For me I started with a 14kg and then quickly got a 16kg. However the 14kg was probably a bit heavy for some of the exercises and I should ave started lighter. The key is focusing on good form and I think that is more of a problem if the weight is too much. The 8kg might be a good option for single leg Romanian deadlift but certainly not heavier enough for me on single leg calf raises or goblet squats. Also 8kg for Russian twists a (core workout).

These wrist protectors can be a good idea when learning
Also if you do wear a sports watch either take it off or one trick is to wear it on the inside of your wrist so the KB doesn’t hit it when doing some moves. I started with some cheap ones off Amazon and once I got into it upgraded to some competition ones. The competitions ones are better as the size if the same and doesn’t change based on the weight. I also found some of the cheap ones the hand hold just too small or the grip diameter wouldn’t be consistent and having small hands this was a really problem for me. I’d also say stay away from the American KB Swing as the normal should high swing is all you need and a lot safer.

@kevstorr thanks for the reco. Father Christmas came early this year and brought me an 8kg and a 12kg kettlebell. I found something for beginners on t’interweb. Wow! That is so much harder than it looks. I am certainly glad that I didn’t go any heavier. 3 circuits has me sweating like a lunatic. Certainly looks like gains to be had.


I know what you mean :sweat_smile:


Now I have a 30kg dumbbell to add some resistance to the goblet squats. I probably need a lot more weight than 30kg but that requires something a lot more significant than a dumbbell.

This is where home gyms become more challenging, bridging the gap between weight needs. It is unrealistic, for most, to have a full spectrum of weights.

Do you get a particular brand of weight? I’ve seen some really cool ones, but I don’t know what each brand offers as a unique selling point.

The answer to that is double KB’s.

Theme can also do double push press, double single arms swings etc etc.

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I prefer the competition ones from Wolverson.

All the bells are the same size no matter the weight.

That’s cool. Will check those out. Thanks

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